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Enter Item

Edit Item Delete Item Print Inventory Upload Picture Support Setting Up Your PC

The most problematic area of data entry is the handling of Photographs (Pics).

                                                   PLEASE  READ THIS FIRST
Preparing your PC and Photographs for your website catalog:
You should create a Folder for all your Picture files first. Best to name the Folder inventory (See Setting Up Your PC)
 (1) Take picture(s),
 (2) Download picture to your PC,  
 (3) If you are not able to choose picture dimensions right from your camera, you need to downsize the image with a generic image editor ("
Image Expert" ) Recommended ,
 (4) Downsize your image to about 600 to 650 pixels width, no more than 800 (the bigger the pic the longer to load, remember some internet users still have dial-up
You should name the image with a file name equal to the stock number Use only jpg images. Lower case .jpg ONLY  not .JPG See examples below.
(5) Repeat same procedure for each image. Additional Details of Picture handling are included in Enter Item, Upload Picture, and Using the Picture Upload feature

Enter Item:
(1) Starting at
stock # enter the stock number, if you are working from a vender site use their number as their Pics will likely have the SAME name, and add your text to find it easterner, i.e.
If C375 is their # for a coaster, you can add "Coaster" - C375 Coaster will appear in the catalog category page.
(2) The second entry area is a drop down box. (You may name as many
CATEGORIES as you wish at the time of the initial installation of  your catalog. You may add Categories or change spelling, etc by clicking
Manage Categories Your Webmaster must insert any additional  categories for you,  as they control all the various categories of your inventory searches.)
(3) Select the
category the item is in. If you forget to select the category it will post it to the first category in your selection box. No problem, just go immediately to Edit - click that item to edit, and reselect the correct category and resubmit it.

Price entry box:  Price has a default $ sign. For prices ending in other than .00 i.e, if $4.95  is the price, enter 4.95, but .00 is automatically entered on a price like twelve dollars even - enter 12 it will show $12.00 .
(4) To insert the
Photo-picture click  Browse  and select the Pic you want in your PC inventory folder. Click open and the address will automatically insert.
(5) In the
Description box you may insert as much detail as you want - including sizes, colors, price variations for volume orders, etc.
(6) Then click
Add Item and it is sent live to your catalog online website.

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NOTE: As your inventory files grow in number it is advisable to use  some good method to find the item to edit or delete. You may search by  arraigning in alpha order by  Item #  Category  Item Name  Price - Just select one of the four areas at the top of the detail box and the files will re-arrange in alpha order for quicker locating.
You then need to Click on
View All Items to see all, the default is only about 10 items per page)

Edit Item: Click on View All Items to see all
(1) Select the item to edit or delete, Use the next to the item to edit
(2) Click Edit Item
(3) make your changes on this page
(4) Click SAVE. It's all done.
You may view you newly edited item page by clicking View Item
Still not right? Use your back button to re-correct the edited item

Delete Item: Just select the  item you wish to delete, by clicking the next to the item to delete and Click the Delete Item Be careful! Once you hit the button it is gone and you will have to re-enter a mistake. The main thing is MAKE SURE the button is checked next to the item you WANT to delete

Print Inventory: This feature lists all your inventory by item number order. Or any order you want.  If you wish to print all be sure and click View All Items first:
(1) Then: Go the file (upper left corner of your screen) (2) Click and select Print (select All) If you want only some part of the inventory printed, HIGHLIGHT the items you want to print out and click Selection on the Print options.

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Upload Picture or Change existing picture:
(1) Click
Manage Images then you may find it fast by arraigning your files in alpha order -
anything from Item # to Price (lowest price first, etc)
(2) Then click
View All Items to see all the Pictures at once, even a thousand or so.
(3) Make sure you click the CORRECT
next the item you want to change or send up for the first time.

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Setting Up Your PC: You should make a folder early-on called "inventory" and put it on your "C" directory or in the "My Documents" folder on your C drive or Desktop.
(2) Select the folder address of your Pics i.e.
C:\My Documents\inventory\1234.jpg click Open
and the field name will appear in the Upload box.
(3) Click
Change Image  and It's done.

Support & Help: You may call BEAMSCO at 217 442 0823 or email us describing your problem. We will make every effort to fix your problem ASAP.

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Created by
for Back Office Catalog Management Systems

 Copyright 2001, 2002, 2003- 2005-2005